News and Announcements
2025 Programme
Annual Bi Pod Competition with Felixstowe - November 2024
Ossie Kettle Trophy - October 2024
Trevor Boyd takes the Trophy for the second year running. For the first time Judge Mike Cowling appraised our images without marks out of 20. He successfully critiqued the 48 images giving suggestions and advice to members. Holding back his favourite images he selected his ‘Best Image’ for the evening as Dew Drenched by Trevor Boyd. Second choice Hat on a Table by Penny Van der Have. Third Look Back in Horror by Colin Ricardo. Other commended images were, Loraine by Graham Woods, Light Airs by Christine Brown. Frosted by Joan Moore. Members felt it was a very interesting and worthwhile evening. Thanks to Mike Cowling for Judging. All Images can be viewed here. Posted 30/10/2024
Woodbridge Camera Club hosted this annual event with Felixstowe Photographic Society on 19/11/24. Each club submitted 12 prints and 12 PDI images. The competition was judged by Andy Wilson. Felixstowe were this years winners.
Thank you to Andy for judging and to the members of both groups for submitting some excellent images. Scores can be viewed here

2024 Annual Exhibition
Our Annual Exhibition, held from 9-11 August at the Longshed at Whisstocks, was a great success and attracted a total of 510 visitors over the 3 days. Member's images on display included 46 prints, 46 projected digital images and 15 entries in the Sarah Bynom Memorial Trophy, which this year had the theme 'Maritime'.
Guest of honour at our presentation evening on the 9th wa Woodbridge Deputy Mayor Ruth Leach, herself an accomplished photographer. As winner in the print section she selected ' Landscape through Stained Glass' by Richard Brown, who was also the author of the second placed print 'Stained Glass Lighting'. Third place went to Jan Moore with 'Windows of the Soul'.
The PDI section was also won by Richard Brown with 'Washday in Porto'. Second place sent to Helen Nock for 'Red Kite' and third to 'Helmingham Hall' by Maurie Parish.
Winner of the Sarah Bynom Trophy was 'Seen Better Days' by Sandra Smith, with second place going to 'Early Morning Mist' by Joan Moore.There were also a number of commendations in both the print and PDI categories, and these can be viewed, along with the winning images, here. Or you can watch a virtual exhibition on YouTube here.
Our thanks to Ruth for taking on the task of judging the photographs, and to all our members who contributed images and helped with the stewarding, setting up and taking down of the exhibition. Posted 13/08/2024

Open subject print competition - 16 July 2024
Congratulations to Sue Garrod for winning our open subject print competition on 16 July with her image 'Sexy Saxon'. Second place went to Joan Moore for her image 'Wheels' and third to Steve Stammers for 'Bald Eagle on Bergy Bit, Glacier Bay, Alaska'. Judge Mike Lloyd also highly commended images by Christine Brown, Robin Garrod and Richard Brown, and commended images by Sue Garrod and Derek Rothwell. All of the entries can be viewed here.
Our thanks to Mike for his excellent judging and helpful comments. Posted 17/07/2024

"Where I Live" PDI competition - 21 May 2024
Our "Where I Live" PDI competition on 21 May challenged members to shoot images within a mile of their home. A total of 41 entries were judged by Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3*, who awarded first place to Barry Jones for his image 'Migrating birds over the Orwell', second place to Malcolm Preece for 'Bedraggled Parent' and third to Joan Moore for 'Early Morning Mist' (see below). All of the entries can be viewed here.
Our thanks to Wayne for his excellent judging and helpful critique of all the entries. Posted 29/05/2024

Open subject print competition - 20 February 2024
First and second places in our open subject print competition on 20 February were both taken by Richard Brown with his images 'Washday in Porto' and 'Misty Evening in Bruges', and third place went to Barry Jones for 'Beacon of Light'. Judge Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* gave us detailed and helpful comments on all 34 entries, and awarded Highly Commended to 'St Mary's Lighthouse' by Maurie Parish and 'Passers By' by Barry Jones. He also Commended 'Up Tails All' by Steve Stammers and 'Stained Glass Lighting' by Richard Browwn (again!). The three winners can be seen below, and all of the entries can be viewed here.
Our thanks to Wayne for his excellent judging and critiques of the entries. Posted 22/02/2024

Bipod competition
9 November saw our annual Bipod inter-club competition, this year hosted by Felixstowe Photographic Society, with judge Harold Mousley. Unfortunately, we were narrowly defeated by Felixstowe by the slim margin of 5 points, scoring a total of 442. Honourable mentions go to Christine Brown, Robin Garrod and Sue Garrod, all of whom had images scoring the maximum of 20 points. Posted 19/11/2023
Ossie Kettle Trophy
Our second 'Ossie Kettle Trophy' competition for mono PDI images was held on 17 October. Judge Jackie Gillman-Dace worked her way through 54 entries, giving helpful comments on each, and selecting 'Two for Tea' by Trevor Boyd as the winner. The ICM image 'Emerging Figure' by Steve Stammers was awarded second place, and third place went to Trevor (again!) for ' Catching the Evening Light'. Images by Sue Garrod, Nigel Jackson, Trevor Boyd (again!), Richard Brown, Robin Garrod and Sandra Smith were highly commended. All of the images can be viewed here.
Our thanks to Jackie for her excellent judging and comments, and to all those members who submitted images and attended the meeting. Posted 20/10/2023

Annual General Meeting
At our Annual General meeting on 19 September, the following agreed to volunteeer as members of the Steering Group:
Robin Garrod - Chair
Sue Garrod - Treasurer
Steve Stammers
Debbie Waters
Mandy Pryke - Minutes Secretary
Keith Pryke
Richard Brown
After the meeting, Charmian Berry also agreed to join the group.
A copy of Robin's Chairman's report can be viewed here. Posted 08/10/2023
2023 Annual Exhibition
Our annual exhibition at the Longshed at Whisstocks, which was held from 11-13 August, was a great success and attracted 423 visitors over the three days, with many positive comments in our visitors’ book.
There were 60 prints and 44 projected digital images (PDIs) on display, and a special category ‘Woodbridge’ in memory of our member Sarah Bynom, who sadly passed away last year. We were pleased to welcome Sarah’s widower, Tony, at our presentation evening on the Friday.
At the presentation evening, local artist John Roberts made a selection of his favourite images, awarding first place in the prints to ‘Hogwarts Perhaps’ by Charmian Berry, and second to ‘Spanish Serenade’ by Sue Garrod. The winner of the PDI category was ‘Grain’ by Robin Garrod, with ‘This is your Uber Driver’ by Ann Stammers in second place. The Sarah Bynom Memorial Prize was awarded to Sandra Smith for her image ‘ Wreck on the Deben’, with Richard Brown’s ‘Call the AA’ in second. There were also a number of commended images in each category.
All of the winning and commended entries can be seen here.
Our thanks go to John for taking on the task of judging the photographs, and to all our members who contributed images and helped with the stewarding, setting up and taking down of the exhibition. Posted 15/08/2023

Wildlife print competition - 18 July 2023
A double win for Christine Brown, who took first and second places in our Wildlife print competition on 18 July. Judge Wayne Davey DPAGB BPE3* awarded first place to her image 'Fuelling Up' (see below), and second to ' Along for the Ride'. Third place went to Benjamin Miller for 'What You Looking at', and there were two highly commended entries, 'A Pround Serengeti Cheetah' and 'Yellow Hammer with Lunch for it's Young', both by Steve Stammers. All of the images can be viewed here.
Our thanks to Wayne for his excellent judging and helpful comments and advice. Posted 21/07/2023

Open subject PDI competition - 16 May 2023
Congratulations to Trevor Boyd for taking first place in our open subject PDI competition on 16 May with his image 'Making Waves' (see below).
We are grateful to Gill Adams for agreeing to judge the competition at short notice when our original judge had to pull out due to illness. There were a total of 50 entries from members, and Gill selected 'The Rehearsal' by John Pollard for second place and 'Delicious' by Keith Pryke for third. Two other images were marked highly commended - 'Aromatherapy' by Christine Brown and 'Retail Break' by Sandra Smith.
All the images can be viewed here. Posted 18/05/2023

Bears, Eagles, Killer Whales, Glaciers and Humpback Whales bubble-net feeding
On 18 April members enjoyed a fascinating talk by Derek Howes, with the snappy title "Bears, Eagles, Killer Whales, Glaciers and Humpback Whales bubble-net feeding". Derek is a wildlife photographer, who has travelled all over the world in pursuit of his interest. This talk was about his trip to Alaska and he showed us some stunning images, including a rare sighting of humpback whales feeding using the bubble-net technique. Derek also told us about the equipment that he uses, and how a switch to mirrorless cameras has eased the burden of having to carry around over 20kg of equipment! Posted 24/04/2023
Mobile Phone Challenge
On 4 April we had our Mobile Phone Challenge, a fun evening on Zoom, when members could show their photos shot and edited on a mobile phone, and vote for their favourite. 11 members submitted images, and after online voting (somewhat confusing, but it worked in the end!), three tied for favourite image. These were ‘Barge at Rest on the Rover Orwell’ by Penny van der Have, ‘Barley’ by Richard Brown, and ‘Suffolk Skies’ by John Pollard. Posted 09/04/2023

Open subject print competition - 21 February 2023
Our open subject print competition on 21 February, judged by Nigel Rea ARPS, attracted 31 entries from members, and the winning image was ‘Early Birds Catching Worms’ by Barry Jones (see below). Second place was awarded to John Pollard for ‘Smokey Joe’s’ and third to Steve Stammers for ‘Long-tailed Tit’. Sue Garrod’s entry ‘Spanish Serenade’ was also selected by Nigel as runner up. All the images can be viewed here.
Our thanks to Nigel for his excellent judging and helpful critique of the entries. Posted 24/02/2023