News Archive 2022
Tripod Trophy 2022
This year we were able to hold our annual Tripod Trophy competition, pitting us against Felixstowe Photographic Society and Framlingham Camera Club, face-to-face for the first time in 3 years. Each club entered 8 prints and 8 PDIs, which were put before the critical eye of judge Andy Wilson, who awarded a score to each image and gave us the benefit of his constructive comments and advice.
The competition was won by Felixstowe, with a total score of 277, Framlingham came second with 269 and regretfully, Woodbridge brought up the rear with 265. The award for the best print went to Jim Walker for 'Nave and Chancel at Long Melford', and the best PDI to Dave Watson for 'Hummingbird Hawkmoth feeding on Valerian'. However, it must be said that the PDI was a close-run thing with our own Trevor Boyd for 'Pride and Joy'.
Congratulations to Felixstowe, and thanks to Andy for his excellent judging and comments.
Posted 19/11/2022
David Schofield
It is with great sadness that we have to report the passing our our club member, David Schofield. David had been with the club since its formation in 2010, but had not been active of late due to ill health. David will be greatly missed and our condolences go to his family. Posted 21/10/2022

Ossie Kettle Trophy
On 18 October we held our 'Ossie Kettle Trophy' competition in memory of our late member Ossie, whose signature photographic style was gritty monochrome images.
47 entries from members were judged by Mike Lloyd, who selected 'Artist in Charcoal' by Robin Garrod as the winning image (see below). Second place was awarded to John Pollard for his image 'Canalside', and third to Christine Brown for 'Keeping Safe'. All the images can be viewed here.
We were plaesed to have members of Ossie's family with us for the evening and the trophy was presented to Robin by Ossie's widow Pat.
Our thanks to Mike for his excellent judging and helpful comments on all the entries.
Posted 21/10/2022

Sarah Bynom
We were very saddening to hear of the passing of our friend and member Sarah Bynom, who has died of complications following an operation. Sarah was a valued member of the club for many years and an active member of the Steering Group, tirelessly organising social events and our annual exhibitions. We have not seen her at club meetings for a while as she took on responsibility for the care of her ageing father, but she will be greatly missed by members who knew her.
Prior to her retirement, Sarah was a hospital theatre nurse and many of her photographs reflected her work in the operating theatre. View a gallery of her images here.
Our condolences go to Sarah’s husband Tony (with her below) and the rest of her family.
Posted 09/10/2022
Annual General Meeting
At our AGM on 20 September, Robin Garrod was elected to continue as Chairperson for the forthcoming year, and Sue Garrod, Steve Stammers, Debbie Waters, Keith Pryke, John Pollard and Richard Brown were elected as Steering Group members. Mandy Pryke agreed to take on the role of Minute Secretary, and Peter Osborne also volunteered to serve on the Steering Group and will be co-opted.
In his Chairperson’s report (view here), Robin said how good it was to be able to get back to face-to-face meetings and thanked all members for their support during the difficulties of the past 2 years.
The evening continued with an image sharing session, during which a number of members shared a selection of their recent images and explained how they were captured and processed.
Posted 21/09/2022
2022 Annual Exhibition
After 2 years of ‘virtual’ exhibitions, this year we were finally able to return to the Longshed at Whisstocks for our annual exhibition of members’ photographs, which was held from 12-14 August. We had a total of 432 visitors over the 3 days, attracted, we would like to think, more by the quality of the photographs than by the fact that the exhibition space was air-conditioned while the outside temperature soared! Our thanks to everyone who came along, and for their positive comments in the visitors’ book.
68 prints and 74 projected digital images (PDIs) were on display, and at our opening event on the 12th we welcomed landscape photographer Justin Minns, who selected his favourite images, awarding first prize in the prints to ‘Making Fire’ by Trevor Boyd, and second to ‘Scorn Illuminated’ by Chris Evans. In the PDIs, first prize went to ‘A Racing Start’ by Christine Brown, and second to ‘Cruising on a Sunny Afternoon’ by Philip Wade. A number of images in each category were marked as highly commended. Click here to see the winning and commended images. Click here for a slideshow of all prints and PDIs.
We would like to express our thanks to Justin for taking on the unenviable task of judging the photographs, to all of our members who contributed images, and to those who helped with the stewarding, setting up and taking down the exhibition. Posted 15/08/2022
'Urban Landscape/Street Photography' competition - 19 July 2022
Tuesday, 19 July saw our Urban Landscape/Street Photography print competition, and there were 21 high quality entries from members. We had a superb judge in Alan Sarsby who, due to the smaller number of entries than usual, was able to offer a detailed critique for each one. His comments were constructive and often humorous, and kept members engaged throughout on what was the hottest day of the year.
Congratulations to new member, Chris Evans for achieving first place with 'Scorn Illuminated' (see below). In contrast, long-time member, Joan Moore took second place with 'Just Browsing'. Chris did exceptionally well by also coming third with 'Pillars of Time'. Two images were highly commended – 'Genoa Old Town' by Richard Brown and 'The Streets of Old Delhi' by Steve Stammers. All images can be viewed here.
A very enjoyable, if hot, evening. Posted 25/07/2022

'Transport' competition - 17 May 2022
A small group of members gathered in the Quay Church for our Print competition, ‘Transport’ on 17 May. We welcomed judge, Gill Adams, BSc. who, due to a traffic problem, arrived late. This meant Robin Garrod and Steve Stammers had to start off the evening doing a bit of their own (tongue in cheek) judging while members decided anonymously what mark they would give for each print. These were to be collated at the end and a winner found. However, much to our relief, the judge arrived about 20 minutes late and we were able to proceed as normal.
Twenty-one images were submitted. First place was given to Ann Stammers for ‘Deliveries with a Smile’ (see below). Steve Stammers achieved second place with ‘A Slightly Uneven Load’ and third place was awarded to Ann Stammers again with ‘Gee-up Humpy-Grumpy’. All images can be viewed here.
The judge seemed to like images which told a story, and which were well composed rather than concentrating on too much technical detail which was a refreshing change.
All in all it was an excellent evening and members enjoyed the luxury of being able to meet face to face once again. Posted 20/05/2022

Finally back to face-to-face meetings
Tuesday, April 26th saw our first face-to-face meeting since February 2020, which was a really special occasion. Thank you to Kevin Bitter for setting out the hall at Woodbridge Quay Church so beautifully and making us feel so welcome.
A highlight of the evening was the print mounting demonstration given by Sue Garrod (suitably aided and abetted by Robin) in advance of our May print competition, 'Transport'. Sue's impressive demonstration focused on mounting A4 prints onto a mounting board with an aperture pre-cut to accommodate that size. Members soon realised that the process is not as straightforward as it might appear at first with Sue pointing out and illustrating various pitfalls to avoid. For example, being aware that the aperture size is slightly smaller than the actual image so take care not to accidentally crop important elements by misaligning it, making sure any borders are aligned properly and making sure the backing board is fitted correctly. Posted 04/05/2022
Granville Foulger Trophy - 19 April 2022
East Ipswich Camera Club hosted the Granville Foulger Trophy inter-club competition on 19 April.again on Zoom with a monochrome PDI category instead of the usual prints. Five clubs took part and Woodbridge got off to a great start with our first two colour images being held back by the judge - 'Big Boy' by Barrie Henderson and 'Priude and Joy' by Trevor Boyd, eventually being awarded scores of 18 and 19 respectively. Regretfully, we did less well in the mono section, and were let down buy some low scores. The judge was Jonathan Vaines LRPS CPAGB AFIAP. Posted 24/04/2022
Open subject competition - 15 February 2022
At our open subject competition on 15 February, judge Michael Lloyd had difficulty choosing between the two top images, so he named 'Big Boy' by Barrie Henderson and 'Lonely Tree with Visitor' by Ann Stammers as joint winners (see below). The battle for runner-up was also close, with 'Ogwyn Valley' by Steve Stammers and 'Pride and Joy' by Trevor Boyd sharing the honour, and 'Happisburgh Lighthouse' by Allan Warner highly commended.
There were a total of 51 entries, and our thanks go to Michael for not only judging, but also for his constructive comments. All the entries can be viewed here. Posted 16/02/2022