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Urban Landscape/Street Photography Competition - 19 July 2022
Buiding Apprentices RelaxingAnn Stammers | Classic Porto ColoursRobin Garrod | Dismal Day in ScarboroughSue Garrod |
Food Supplies ArrivingAnn Stammers | Genoa Old TownRichard Brown | Happy ShoppersJoan Moore |
Havana Stilt DancerRichard Brown | Just BrowsingJoan Moore | Katmandhu After the QuakeSteve Stammers |
Late to London CityChris Evans | Life Goes On After the EarthquakeAnn Stammers | Pillars of TimeChris Evans |
Porto Street on WashdayRobin Garrod | Prince & David BowieSue Garrod | Scorn IlluminatedChris Evans |
Singapore NightsSue Garrod | Social Housing, St PetersburgJoan Moore | The LoopRichard Brown |
The Streets of Old DelhiSteve Stammers | Urban ReflectionsRobin Garrod | Ushuaia - The End of the WorldSteve Stammers |
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