Get in Touch
If you would like more information about Woodbridge Camera Club, come along to one of our meetings or contact us at woodbridgecameraclub@gmail.com. We usually meet on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm in the meeting room at Woodbridge Quay Church, Quay Street, Woodbridge IP12 1BX. See the programme for full details of meeting dates and venues.
Competitions Secretary: Steve Stammers
See us on Facebook
From the south, leave the A12 onto the B1438, signposted Woodbridge and follow the road into the town. You can park in the station car park on the right (free after 6:00pm) and walk up Quay Street, which has the Anchor pub on the corner. Woodbridge Quay Church is about 100 metres up on the right.
From the north, leave the A12 onto the A1152, Woods Lane, signposted Orford. At the traffics lights turn right onto Melton Hill and continue into Woodbridge. Turn left at traffic lights onto Quayside and follow the road to the station car park, on the left..