Our meetings are held on the Third Tuesday of every month (except August) at 7:30pm, in the meeting room at Woodbridge Quay Church, unless otherwise noted. Intermediate meetings on Zoom are held on the first Tuesday of each month, and these are largely member-led presentations and activities by and for members. Zoom links will be sent out to all members a few days before each meeting.
Programme 2024
16 January - Tutorial evening. Mobile phone photography.
6 February - Zoom meeting: "Understanding and improving your digital photography" with Kevin Pigney. Kevin's talk will cover light, exposure, shutter speed, aperture/depth of field, ISO, camera modes, camera settings, shooting in manual, histograms and more. <POSTER>
20 February - Open subject print competition. Judge: Wayne Davey AWPF BPE4* DPAGB.
5 March - Zoom meeting: Q&A "Why didn't my print win?"
19 March - Open evening. Bring along your camera and manual and ask questions and share experiences about anything photographic.
9 April - Photo walk cancelled due to adverse weather forecast.
16 April - Granville Foulger Trophy hosted by East Ipswich Camera Club.
7 May - Zoom meeting.
21 May - PDI competition “Where I Live”. Images within a mile of your home. Judge: Wayne Davey AWPF BPE4* DPAGB.
4 June - Zoom meeting: "I Did it My Way". An image or images (JPEG and RAW) will be provided for members to edit in their own way and show their interpretation at the meeting.
16 June - Outdoor photoshoot at Old Felixstowe. Meet at public car park at 18:00.
2 July - Zoom meeting: "Show and Tell". A chance to show your images from the Felixstowe photoshoot and tell us all how you took them.
16 July - Open subject print competition. Judge: Mike Lloyd.
30 July - Collection of prints for exhibition and assistance with mounting for those who require it. Quay Church meeting room.
9-11 August - Annual exhibition. The Longshed at Whisstocks.
3 September - Zoom meeting.
17 September - Annual General Meeting.
1 October - Zoom meeting.
15 October - Monochrome PDI competition for the "Ossie Kettle Trophy".
5 November - Zoom meeting.
19 November - Bipod competition with Felixtowe Photographic Society. Judge: Andy Wilson.
3 December - Zoom meeting.
17 December - Christmas meal. The Bull Inn, Woodbridge.