Abandoned but not ForgottenAlison Parish | Artist in CharcoalRobin Garrod | Catching the SunsetChristine Brown |
Dragonfly EyesTrevor Boyd | Fishing Jewel of the NileAnn Stammers | House in the Clouds and Meare, ThorpenessAnn Stammers |
Red Hat White RoseRobin Garrod | The Godwick OakChristine Brown | The RehearsalCharmian Berry |
Wet HareTrevor Boyd |
Projected Digital Images
Grain by Robin Garrod
Second place
This is Your Uber Driver by Ann Stammers
AromatherapyChristine Brown | A Toast to our LoveSue Garrod | Best Foot ForwardMaurie Parish |
Crane Fly at SunriseTrevor Boyd | FalconRobin Garrod | Havergate Island_Charmian Berry |
Give Me a KissCharmian Berry | I Hate MondaysJoan Moore | Just FriendsAnn Stammers |
Redcurrant LaneChristine Brown | Red Tulip Via ZoomSteve Stammers | Reflections in the TyneRichard Brown |
Silver-washed Fritillary Basking on BramblesSteve Stammers |
Sarah Bynom Memorial Prize
Wreck on the Deben by Sandra Smith
Second place
Call the AA by Richard Brown
Beautiful River DebenCharmian Berry | Let's Celebrate Woodbridge Maritime PastPenny Van der Have | Seaweed Ropes at Low TideAnn Stammers |
Webb Bros of Woodbridge, IronmongersChristine Brown |