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From Dusk to Dawn competition - 18 February 2020
A Quiet Moment on the DebenBarrie Henderson | Arctic TwilightDavid Semaine | Birdies at DawnPaul Garden |
Blue Hour at Queensferry TowerAnn Stammers | Bon VoyagePhilip Wade | Blue hour at Felixstowe Viewing areaCharmian Berry |
Christmas MarketRichard Tricker | Cobbold PointBarrie Henderson | Dawn FrostChris Willey |
Daybreak on the DebenPeter Skeet | Deben at DuskDaryl Butcher | Deben DuskJoan Moore |
Deben SunsetRichard Brown | DJ Spin that WheelJonathan Garrod | Docker's DelightPhilip Wade |
Elm Hill NorwichRobin Garrod | Evening FeedDaryl Butcher | Felixstowe BoundBarry Jones |
Ghost TrainRobin Garrod | Grossmunster ChurchChris Willey | Henry Moore Enters the Twilight ZoneRobin Garrod |
Jaipur DuskJohn Hughes | Koh TaoKirsteen Crossan | Landguard SunsetDaryl Butcher |
Las Vegas by NightBrian Traynor | Lighting Up Time at LuxorAnn Stammers | Mawgan PorthRichard Tricker |
Moon over the DebenSue Garrod | New DawnChris Willey | Night LifeRichard Brown |
Nile SunsetAnn Stammers | One Way TrafficKirsteen Crossan | Party PeopleJonathan Garrod |
Port of FelixstoweBarrie Henderson | Power from Dusk till DawnJohn James | Prague MillwheelSteve Stammers |
Quayside HyggeKirsteen Crossan | Sea of TranquilityBarry Jones | Shedding Some LightRichard Brown |
Space StationBarry Jones | St Andrews MeltonJoan Moore | St. AndrewsSteve Stammers |
Sunrise at SizewellSue Garrod | Sunset Across the NileSteve Stammers | Sunset on the DebenAnn Nunn |
Sunset on the DebenGaye Wightman | Sunset SilhouetteGaye Wightman | Temple Tour at DuskBrian Traynor |
The Nightly GrindJonathan Garrod | Tunnel of LightSue Garrod | Uyuni SunsetJohn Hughes |
Winter Dawn Loch TummelJoan Moore | Wolf MoonAndrew Nunn |
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