Our meetings are held on the Third Tuesday of every month (except August) at 7:30pm, in the meeting room at Woodbridge Quay Church, unless otherwise noted. Intermediate meetings on Zoom are held on the first Tuesday of each month, and these are largely member-led presentations and activities by and for members. Zoom links will be sent out to all members a few days before each meeting.
Programme 2025
21 January - Tutorial evening. Print Mounting. Competition mounting styles, aperture, flush, foamcore in selection of styles and sizes. Mounting for home display, gifts, cards and other unusual ways to display your images,
4 February - Zoom meeting - Reflections fun challenge. Share your reflection, your chance to see how other members interpret the subject and exchange ideas on settings, techniques and editing.
18 February - Print Challenge - Transport.
4 March - Zoom meeting - Editing your images
18 March - Portrait Photography. Guest speaker Ruth Leach. Presentation by professional photographer Ruth Leach.
1 April - Selection of Images for Granville Foulger Trophy. A zoom meeting to select our images for the Granville Foulger trophy. We need to pick 6 Print and 6 PDI images.
15 April - Granville Foulger Trophy hosted by East Ipswich Camera Club. Interclub competition between 6 local clubs. Held at Tower Hall, Rushmere St Andrew, nr Ipswich. Your chance to meet members from other local groups and see their work.
7 May - Zoom meeting.
20 May - PDI competition “People and Pets”. Your chance to show what you learned from Ruth Leach's presentation. Colour or Mono.
3 June - Zoom meeting: Architecture and Street talk by Ian Howard.
17 June - Outdoor photoshoot at an urban venue TBC
1 July - Zoom meeting:
15 July - Print Challenge - Architecture and Street. Following our talk in June this is your chance to enter your prints.
August - Club summer break.
2 September - Zoom meeting. Pre AGM meeting
16 September - Annual General Meeting.
7 October - Zoom meeting.
21 October - Monochrome PDI competition
4 November - Zoom meeting.
18 November - Wildlife talk - Liz Cutting
4 December - Zoom meeting.
16 December - Christmas meal.